Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Have Asphalt or Erin Go Braugh

I learned the other day in class that if you´re having bad luck, the way to express it in Slovak is "Mam smolu," which literally translates to "I have asphalt." In the spirit of the lucky Irish today, I decided to conduct some informal research by asking my Slovak friends about the origin of this saying. It was not conclusive, but the best explanation I was given was that if you traipse trough newly-laid asphalt, it is quite smelly and and sticks on your shoes for a long time. If you´re unsuccessful at finding the pot of gold today, I at least hope you watch where you´re walking. Slainte!


  1. Hi Karen! I miss you! I hope this comment thing works--I'm kind of a Luddite.

  2. It worked! Hooray! For some reason I'm called "Jenny," but that's ok, I suppose.

  3. What did they say before asphalt existed?!
