Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Embarrassing confession time-For at least half an hour a day while I´ve been here, a half an hour that could have been spent studying, or reading, or sleeping, I have watched MTV reality TV. Shows like Queens of Scream, on which buxom yet incredibly untalented actresses compete for a role in a horror movie, and my new favorite, From Gs to Gents, on which gangsters from the hood strive to clean up their lives and win 100 grand in the process, are making me dumber by the second. But they´ve also inspired me to come up with a reality TV show idea of my own-Drop 15 Americans in the middle of Eastern Europe and watch them struggle for survival. Weekly challenges could include correctly pronouncing words spelled with seven consecutive consonants, rapelling down castle turrets, deciphering a map written in Cyrillic, convincing a taxi driver not to charge you an arm and a leg, and finding a supermarket cashier who has the ability to smile. Automatic victory would be awarded to any contestant able to acquire a temporary resident permit.
The ratings for Survivor, Eastern Europe may not be as high as others, since most contestants would be wearing babushkas instead of halter tops, but I, for one, would surely tune in.

Stay tuned Broken Yogurt

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